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Managers who learn to resolve conflict at work increase the productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of their teams. Our approach to conflict resolution has proven 85% effective in resolving more than 10,000 conflicts annually, and we can help you, too. While it may seem daunting to help others through a conflict and have to deal with their complex emotions, it’s the only way to sort out the conflict and find a workable solution.


You will leave our training with a solid framework you can use to calm any conflict. You’ll be able to intervene more skillfully in major disagreements, including conflicts and misunderstandings across culture, work styles, functional expertise, gender, age, and sexual orientation, as well as many other differences. You also will learn tricks for dealing with "meeting derailers" like who interrupt, complain, and web-surf in meetings, all of which can inflame conflict. Through experiential learning by doing, you will gain improved interpersonal skills that you can use at work, at home, and out in the world. Instead of viewing conflicts as problems to run from, you’ll view them as challenges you can solve.

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